Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Time Is Now. Fight ACTA!

ACTA - The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and PRO-IP Act sets the stage for a totalitarian entity to search and screen people at borders for copywrited material residing on laptops and mp3 players. It sets the stage to search people's homes based on internet service provider's reports without warrant or probable cause. Not only that, but certain aspects of the proposal aim to criminalize the use of legitimate privacy tools, justified by the fact that supposedly they could be used to hide from the copyright authorities.

Haven't heard about ACTA. Too bad it's been in the works since 2007. Here's why;

The agreement has been kept secret and has been worked on at the G8 meetings since 2007. Only the leaked and public document found on Wikileaks only appeared a month and a half ago. It does provide some answers. Government deny involvement or ignore requests for information. Something as big as this should not be secret considering over 40% -70% of the population would be affected.

It is an imminent threat to all internet users in westernized countries!

The recently leaked proposal for the ACTA trade agreement to be created at this year’s G8 summit in July outlines this.

The world-governing forces are openly admitting to seeking to criminalize those of us who seek to protect our own privacy. Everything is backwards. We should be talking about a bill to protect our rights instead we get My Space turning over all of their personal data to private corporations. The shocker here is that these corporation would be (under ACTA) breaking the law because my private information and photos would then be considered my intellectual property. This could be the worst violation of privacy in history. If this agreement becomes reality, we're in for a nightmarish world with searches without legitimate cause and zero privacy rights. It would be like that thing people always talk about, the new world order. Wow, who's a conspiracy nut now.

I could almost taste the corrupt forces at work here. There was no public debate or discussion about whether or not this should be put in place. As this does not benefit the anyone other than corporate trade associations, this is surely being pushed for exclusively by the very same corporate trade associations behind the closed doors.
Sure, why not. Corporation never let us
down and serve our best interest don't they!

Spread the word and fight this daemon of the digital age or we'll all be forced give up our individual right to share information with others.

We all have to be informed as it will affect each and every one of us.

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