Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rogers Canada Caused My Marriage Problems

The latest scandal in Toronto news right now is a lady who's suing Rogers Canada for breaking up her marriage. Gabriella Nagy says that her husband found out about her affair because Rogers amalgamated her bills without telling her.  The husband discovered long call from her cell phone to a number he didn't recognize and as a result the affair came to light. Her marriage ended and now she's suing Rogers for 600 000$.

This shrew has the audacity to sue Rogers over this and bog down our legal system when there are more important things to wrestle in court. She's the reason for her marital problems. She should sue herself on the grounds of being caught with her pants down. This type of absurdity needs to be thrown out on the ground of being ridicoulus. Sorry Mrs Nagy, take a deep breath, have a glass of wine and go back to fucking your lover. Let's try not to blame a corporation for your own promiscuity, Ok.

Good for Mr Nagy where ever you are, your better off without Mrs Nagy, that's for sure.


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