Monday, October 25, 2010

Pirate Fathers

I was on my way home. Taking the train when an out of breath man and a woman with a stroller get on. Then I got a good look at the guy. He had an eye patch on. A big black one with a wrap around strap. He also had long hair and a goatee. He looked like a pirate. Two things stood out about him.

One:  He's wearing an eye patch. As such he has no depth perception. What does the man with little to know depth perception do whilst not gasping for breath. Gets off at almost every stop and gets back in. I guess to get some air or something. Only thing is a couple of time he missed his mark when grabbing the side door railing. That's an accident waiting to happen.

Two, he would yar and yar to his little baby. He also had a British accent. I immediately though Pirate! If he had a sword and bad teeth it would be absolutely perfect. Because lets face it they don't have a dental plan and if they do they don't get to see the dentist very often being at sea and all.

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