Friday, April 8, 2011

More things I can't stand

More things I can't stand.

Women who get professional photo's done up of themselves when they're pregnant. One word. Ewww. I didn't think Demi Moore was particularly sexy sporting a keggar around her waist. I don't think you are either. I'm not saying you have to cover up or wear a moo moo but for god's sake and the little children in Ethiopia don't put that crap on facebook. The fact you paid money for the photo is even worse, Dumb-ass.

Websites that are coded so strict that you can't use your browser's back button. You loose you session and have to re-enter everything.  You've had this happen before, you fill out an online form and realise you didn't enter your hair color correctly on the previous page. You hit the back button and boom. You loose everything you had entered because you should have hit they're mysterious back button in the odd location on the page. Programmers follow the simple rule everything's nice when you have to do it twice.

Anyone who believes today's movies are in the same league as anything decent from the 70's and early eighthies. They're not. The movies from that era where raw and made you think. They had a decent story that was believable. Today your blinded by special effects. Today's directory obviously don't care about a decent story. Sure there is the odd exception, here and there.

People who wonder why they're computer is so slow. Gee, can't be the fifteen tool bars on internet explorer and iTunes, Quicktime, Adobe update, Google update, java update running on start up. If you have more than 70 processes running in Windows XP and you have nothing open maybe you shouldn't have administrator rights to your own PC.

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