Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Building Your Own HD Antenna

I wanted a quick solution for a room upstairs. I didn't want to rent a digital cable box because of my hate for cable companies, nor did I want to buy anything substantial. So I talked to one of my electrical engineer friends who's also an amateur short wave radio buff on how to do this. I was surprised at how easy it was. Using two pieces of cable and some electrical tape.

Total cost for this - 1.50$ for coax cable (5 ft).

Required items.

  • Pliers 
  • Coax cable 4ft
  • Power cable (thick) 50 cm long
  • Utility knife

I was surprised with the end result.

Take a small coax cable. I used a 4 ft one.

Cut in half.

Expose the shielding.

Separate the shielding and twist into a wire and the plastic coated wire.

Find a good electrical cable

Cut the ends making sure to have around 50 cm in length.

Make sure only 1 wire is selected.

Frey the ends and remove the rubber.

A perfect 50 cm wire.

Now join one end of the wire to the shielding and the other to the actual coax cable.

Tape up to form a loop.

Plug into tv.

Auto tune and...

Enjoy free tv in under 15 minutes.

position towards largest major city.

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