Thursday, January 9, 2014

World's 10 Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken

I agree with this list.

UHF (5/12) Movie CLIP - Saw Demonstration (1989) HD

Keeping this handy in case I need a laugh.

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Trapped in the Drive-Thru [Official Music Video]

Love this animation and the song.

Coffee Time

To me there is nothing quite like the taste of coffee brewed in a french press. For those that don't know what a french press is it's a glass container, you put the coffee on the bottom put this metal plunger on top and press after it's steeped enough.

I found that a course ground coffee works great! I've had amazing results. I set out to try some coffee and got some course ground beans from Starbucks. I just wanted to give a shout out to how great this coffee is.

Starbucks Holiday Blonde Roast:

This one proved to be one of the best I've ever had with a coffee press. It is probably one of my favorite coffees.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rob Ford Can Stuff His Sorry's In A Sack

Just when I thought Rob Ford would vanish into the mundane. He then wins us with another wonderful apology. No not about eating pussy or how much he has to eat at home. This time about his accusations about corruption in city hall.

"“How about I am so sorry,” Ford said sarcastically. “Is that as good as I apologize or so sorry? Which one do you want, Madame Speaker? Like super, super, super, super, super, super, super sorry? So sorry?”"

I'm super, super, super duper, 100 %, cross my hear and hope to die, super, super, super sorry.