Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Common Sense Vs. Mindless Sheep

In the nineteen-hundred's train stations used to be a simple patch of pavement next to the train. They didn't have fences and yellow lines or guardrails. There's a trend now that somehow it's up to the transportation department to look after people instead of people using their own good judgement and common sense.

It's pretty simple don't fuck around near moving trains.

It was built into all of us growing up that certain things can be dangerous. I don't know, stuff like construction sites and moving trains.  It should be obvious that playing near or with a moving train can be dangerous. In truth you deserve the dress you sow.

They called a recent death, "Death by misadventure". They should have called "Death by being an idiot".

You shouldn't need to repeat and repeat warnings about yellow lines and moving trains. People should understand. They should use thier common sense.

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