Thursday, December 24, 2009

May I Help You

Recently customer service has been an issue at my workplace. However instead of dealing with users the powers that be prefer the term customer. I tend to disagree with this. I'm not dealing with customers, I'm dealing with colleagues or coworkers. Johnny over in marketing breaks his keyboard well it's Johnny (ie; a coworker) not some John Doe calling in for a refund or something. I understand dealing with the public would require documentation to reflect customer service and I understand that if I were working for a separate company this might be of importance however me and Johnny work in the same building, we might even sit at the same boardroom meeting or share a milkshake downstairs.

I think this only emphasizes the point that maybe we're not of the same importance within the same bloody company. I am completely against this. This sort of shit leads to outsourcing and off-shoring.

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