Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This Song Needs More Walmart

I came across this article today... Wal-Mart Billionaire Wants 8 Million Subsidy

What's the subsidy for?

For conserving a forest?

Help for Main Street USA's economy?

Community Outreach Programs?

Nope. They want the tax payer's money to build a bigger Walmart!

My View:

I can't stand this company and what they did to commercialism in Canada and the US. They deliberately swoop in to developing towns and communities causing smaller, long time running, family businesses to fail. They are the death of Main Street. No small business can compete with Walmart. It's ridiculous to think that Jim's Shoe Emporium and Deli can compete with Walmart's slave driven prices. Jim doesn't have deals with Asian factories that pay their staff next to nothing. As such he poor Jim can't sell shoes at the low cost Walmart can. That is a good example of the hurt caused by Globalization.

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