Thursday, March 25, 2010

Finaly the US has subsidized health care!

Wow. I never thought this would happen. Welcome to the 20th century America. Considering most advanced nations in the world already had this for over fifty years. We welcome you to the party of socialized medicine. Like a big brother you arrived a little late but your still welcome.

The US media tries to associate socialized medicine with communism when they are reallyvery different. One is total control of all aspects of life; like, job, education and food rationing while the other is taking care of those that cannot take care of themselves. Socialized medicine is a blanket for all those that cannot take care of themselves. For all those that do not believe this is a step in the right direction, take a look at this stat;  medical debt contributed to 62% of all personal bankruptcies. Got a terminal illness? - Go bankrupt, oh and don't pass Go and collect 200$.

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