Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Harmonized Taxes

Well there's no place like this... It's Ontario and we're gearing up for a new harmonized sales tax which seeks to combine both Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST) into a single sales tax. The problem with this is a lot of things we take for granted are now going to be taxed. Like train or bus tickets, you can now expect to pay 8% extra!

During his first term, Dalton McGuinty broke a promise (a signed document) that he was not going to introduce new taxes. However, upon assuming office his government introduced a “health premium.” On an average salary this can be 500-750$ a year. Thanks Mr. McGuinty. Given no choice the general public had to re-elect this bastard in the 2007 provincial election, because of John Tory's fetish for the issue of “faith-based education”. Let's face it we don't want to be messing with our education system right now. The founding fathers of our country would be rolling over in their graves if they were witness to John Tory's ideas.

So we all re-elected a liar back into office in order to escape the hellish nightmarish world that would have been "faith-based education". What does McGuinty do during his second term? He introduces Harmonized Sales Tax, that's what. That's the problem when you have a two party system. It's nice to say that there were all these other names on the ballot box but realistically speaking you have the liberals and the conservatives and that's about it.

The last election I felt forced into a situation where I didn't like John Tory's plans and I knew Dalton was a liar and all others would only be a wasted vote.

What a battle that 2007 election was. It was like Holyfield vs Tyson, except John Tory didn't bite off Dalton's ear.

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