Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sayings I hate - part 2


Hey when it's obvious that your pregnant please don't insult my intelligence with this bull crap. It's not a word, so it has no business coming out of your mouth. It makes my skin crawl I hate this term so much. I hate it being used in a sentence. I want to rip out the eyes of anyone using it.  It's a lazy way of saying someone is pregnant.  Is "Gnant" to hard to pronounce out of those fat lips of yours?  It's not an attractive term.  "Hey, did you hear, Julie is preggers!" I tend to respond with "That's Sexy!" 

Grande, Venti, Tall or anything other esoteric term at Starbucks.

For years people have had three main size within a standard size system. Then here comes Starbucks changing the darn system with strange voodoo Italian names. I thought Colombians were known for coffee not Italians. I guess they chose this because of Italian lattes and cappuccinos and espressos. but sizes are supposed to be small, medium and large. I don't go to Volkswagen and get a choice of Automatikgetriebe and Handschaltgetriebe, I get automatic and standard. I don't find it cute. Starbucks should cut this out. I just want a darn medium plain coffee. Here's what I say. Go to Tim Horton's and save a dollar on your coffee. At Starbucks you need a darn pamphlet on what sizes are available.

Since when did Management suddenly change to Leadership?

Recently I noticed at my workplace that a lot of committees and meetings get labeled with the wonderful term Leadership instead of what it really is "Management". These people need their heads examined.  It's management. Not some cute little team of accepting people open to new ideas. They have an agenda. They are management for crying out loud.

This isn't summer camp. This is real life people. They are what they are. Let's not forget that.

Your late, you get a "Tardy"!

What in the world is a tardy, you might ask? Well it's a cute term they came up with at my workplace for being late. Rack up to many tardies and you get to have a performance meeting. How lovely is that crap.   I'll give them a fukyouee it's Swedish for giving someone a piece of you mind. How about I give them an asskicky right in the bum a couple hundred thousand times. I can't believe this is actually part of your yearly review. We're treated like children crying out loud.

Salary Harmonization

This is a lovely term for re-examining a salary structure within a company. It's a term I really, really don't like. It's like we're playing music or something. Harmonizing salaries sounds like management will be playing a little jazz and improvising with their numbers. Blowing in the restructuring trumpet Bi Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bo Bu Do... Singing this tune tends to reduce employee morale.

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