Monday, April 26, 2010

It's my right

Virtual Private Networks:

Recently a woman came running to me for help with the laptop. She couldn't remote in using VPN (Virtual Private Network) due to a password / access issue. I explained that she should re-request access and she proceeded to yell about it being her right to work from home on Wednesdays. Due to the nature of my job, working from home is not possible so I think people that say that this is a right are pretentious pieces of dung. That lady is nothing but a stinking pile of feces and deserves to rot away like the piece of feces she is. Right to work from home, how about I ruin your laptop and give you a desktop. Then we'll see if you want to lug that thing around to and from your residence. I have no sympathy for these people. It's my right to ignore your whining.

Blackberry / Iphone:

I'm also tiered of everything being urgent. Just because Jim can't receive email on a Blackberry doesn't mean we need to escalate this. Jim, being a responsible adult should realize that with the innovation of laptops and web mail, he can function just fine for a couple of days. God forbid he misses a Framville gift request for a goat or a horse shoe.

Wireless Company Internet:

This is another one people think is so gosh darn important. I feel like screaming at them that the office is littered with LAN cables and that this is a convenience not a right.

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