Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP Oil Spill

Well since the explosion and failure of all safeguards on the Deep Horizon's oil well, it has been gushing oil non stop for over 50 days. There are rumors that if left untouched it can keep going until Christmas. It's unbelievable the amount of greed a company like BP has. They even had the audacity to by search terms from Google and Yahoo. Including the words 'oil spill' and such. It's a perfect example of capitalism. All this so BP can make sure the first links you see about oil spill will be their own damage control propaganda.

A lot of talk on the internet right now is that BP has total control of the towns and sites affected and is directing and in some cases stopping all media of the event. Some say it's because the spill is a lot worse than was original thought. Others says it's due to contain information about the chemical compounds that they are using to break down the oil into smaller particles. That these chemicals are going to end up in the rain and eventualy on land. Of course oil is to heavy to be turned into rain however the chemicals that they are using are not. Sometimes the medicine is worst than the symptoms. What ever the case, BP has shut down a lot of the attempts the media made to try and get some new aerial coverage of the spill. The environmental effects are still unclear.

This sign is at a BP gas station....


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