Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Waste Disposal Guidelines

I recently spend the better part of an afternoon cutting branches to city specification for waste disposal guidelines. Let me tell you why. I put out a giant pile of branches on my curve and the city didn't pick them up. However I've seen them pick up similar piles before. There it sat, my giant mountain of tree branches for the better part of a month. Still no pick up. I then noticed a card they left stating "Oops It
Appears Your Refuse Was..." and then they circled the following; "Not 1ft by 11 inch by 4 3/2 inch..."

What in the world is this. Shall I get my ruler out in order to make sure my branches aren't longer than a specified length?

Well there the pile sat for another two weeks. Fed up I took my saw horse to the curve and graced the neighbors with a full view of my frustrations as I hacked into these branches like a rabid squirrel chasing a nut on a string. I think I must have yelped over a thousand obscenities while cutting these branches. Mother Nature herself would hide at my anger.

Well I managed to fit the pile in five paper yard waste bags.

Now everyone knows my take on Waste Disposal Guidelines.

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