Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Global Warming and Cliamte Change

For a long time, I've debate the with our future as a human race and the reality of Global Warming, Oops I mean Climate Change.  This fact really hit home as I'm about to go to San Francisco. I noticed that the temperature in San Francisco today was around 15 Celsius compared to Toronto's temperature today of 33 Celsius. This is strange since San Fransisco is closer to the equator than Toronto.

For all those that think we should do nothing about Global Warming or Climate change I propose you take a look at the graph below and ask yourself which column would you like to end up in.

As you can see the column with Action Taken avoids the global catastrophes that could result from non action. Regardless of the fact that it might be caused by a heat cycle of the sun or the carbon emissions of an SUV, this simple table shows clearly the path that we should take as a human race.

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