Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Having 3 managers sucks!

Yes I have three manager. One team lead, a team manager and a group manager. None of which can make decisions without forwarding it off to the other two. "We need a derision on this website design today..." which gets the everyday reply "Well, I'm going to have get some input from... and ...". Snails make faster decisions about which leaf to eat than they do. What is the purpose of this tri-fector? To make my life miserable. That's what. On top of that I we have to repeat every grievance we have times three. It's quite ridiculous.

Couple this tri-fector with the recent changes that have gone on in my workplace. It makes me wonder how in the hell they can justify keeping all three. I think at least one of them should have gotten an expiry date. A nice little letter that says your services won't be needed after 1 or 2 years.

Two of the manager spend all bloody day generating reports and stats about us. If you need to justify our existence so damn much maybe I should just find a better place to work.

Anyone like working under a microscope? That's how I feel right now.

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