Monday, October 4, 2010

4 Things That That Piss Me Off

Number 4:

Airlines that think we're idiots. Here's a good example of this:

Let's examine this. Airline profits soar... Ticket prices expected to rise. What the hell? Do they think we're idiots.

That we don't realize airlines are making a ton of dough off of everyone. Oh it might be due to the fact that they charge five dollars for a box of crispy crunch on the plane or it might be because they can charge fifty dollars per bag they carry.

Either way airlines suck, Take the train.

Number 3: 

Urinal Trofs. If your a man, you experienced this uncomfortable situation before. Your at a classy restaurant and have to use the can. Behold you find this thing.

What in the hell? Am I the only one that feels uncomfortable whipping out my massive member and taking a trickle in front of everyone? Well I do feel uncomfortable, It's not a size issue. I think these are ridiculous. Why not add nice dividers between urinary secretion centers?

There. So much better. One's defecation and urination should be owns own private business and not some type of free show for all the pervs and beatniks out there.

Number 2:

People that send emails without a subject line or simply RE:

When people do this my inbox looks like this:

Can't people come up with a damn subject line. It would make my day not seem as much as the first hours of the apocalypse. From now on I don't read any shit that doesn't have a subject. New rule; No subject, No reading.

Number 1:

Pierre McGuire. This guy must have some sort of fetish for Phil Kessel. Every second sentence out of his little mouth his about praising his demigod, Phil Kessel. I'm a fan of Phil Kessel but I don't believe he's the savior of the Maple Leafs like this guy does.

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