Monday, November 1, 2010

The Big Bannana Bag Test

My parents swear by these new bags they bought at the dollar store. While perusing through Giant Tiger I came across similar bags. I mention this to two of my friends and I guess the two other ladies nearby overheard and said they don't work. I got shot down by these two people and as such my friends sided with the two ladies. I know they work. I've seen them in action. I think these ladies lack the ability to use a plastic bag correctly.

I will test these providing photos at various stages. Then you can tell me who the hell is right and who the hell is dead wrong.

I took some bananas bought on the same day.  I took half of them and wrapped them in the "Green Bags".

After two days signs of ripening seem to have started on the one not in the "Green Bag".

After 3 days the difference is starting to be very apparent.

After 1 week you can now see signs of rippening in the ones in the bag.

After 9 days it proves my point.

So guess what! They work! Those stupid laddies must have bought some bad bananas or simply did not use them correctly or maybe they are colorblind. Who the hell knows.

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