Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Happened To My Snickers Bar

I haven't bough a chocolate bar in a good 2 to 3 months. Dieting and self control have helped me with that. However I did get one today. What the hell, I thought, I deserve it. I only want to know one thing...

What happened to my snickers bar? It seems to have been on a diet too. I'm not happy. Has anyone noticed that it appears to be a little shorter. The length of the bar remain the same but the height of the bar has been reduced by about ten percent. Funny how the price hasn't changed.

This is how this idea went down...

"Less for the same!" said Jim.

"Hmm... sounds good Jim, here's a raise. In fact raises all around!" said Jim's boss Tyler.

I always hated the name Tyler.

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