Friday, February 25, 2011

The Ottawa Senators Did It! Goodbye Alex Kovalev!

Finally the Ottawa Senators have gotten out of the Kovalev game. I'm pleased that they were able to escape this downward spiral. Let's face it Alexei Kovalev is a master puck handler and sometimes shows pure brilliance on the ice. There are other moments where he coasts around like he's going out for a morning skate. He basically plays only when it suits him. Alexei Kovalev's been around the NHL for a while, he turned 38 this year and Senators Ottawa thought he would bring a lot of offense to a post Dany Heatley team. He didn't live up to his years in Montreal.

He did show some great skill out there but lacked the drive required of him. The same drive shown night after night by an uninjured Daniel Alfredsson. In basic language Ottawa's done with Alex Kovalev and all Senators fans can actually breath easy and move on.

Goodbye Alex Kovalev! We wont miss you!


Ottawa Senators fans everywhere.

Details of the deal can be found here:

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