Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego

For kicks I was trying to re-capture and re-visit some moments of my childhood. As a result the next few posts are probably going to be about that.

First off my wife and I found a show we both watched as children.

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

The Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego TV game show. I streamed a couple of episodes off YouTube and found they are actually interesting to see. I remembered the acapella group but I did not remember the actual tunes. They were actually good. For those who don't know here's the info on that show.

Even More Details Here:

It lasted from 1990 to 1995.

The interesting thing I found was the prizes. For starters 3 contestants would compete in a geography based trivia show. The episode I watched had a spy pen and t-shirt prize as third place prize. The second place was something a little more interesting. Some sort of pda or personal organiser that they claimed could send messages wireless between devices.

Now I thought about this long and hard last night and the thing that got me is does this only work between Carmen Sandiego PDA devices? If so there must only be about 50 people in the entire world that have them. Also how far away are these people. I think this feature probably never worked.

ACME Crimenet Personal Organizer
It would be interesting to find one of these on ebay and attempt to find long lost winners of these prizes.

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