Monday, May 25, 2009

Why No Return

Why in the world have we not returned to the moon since 1972. Why has no other country even tried. The technology used is so outdated by today's standards that the modern calculator has more processing power than the lunar module. Why can't Europe or the Chinese even try.
It's been over 40 years and they haven't been able to reproduce this. Ask yourself that question for a minute and try to explain this rationally. You probably can't come up with a valid reason. Here are the standard responses to this question.

Lack of funds:

Sure the NASA budget was cut and money was never there for that Agency. However why was no other country able to send someone there. Surely by today's standards, hell even ten years ago, some country in Europe could have easily reproduces an Apollo rocket and lunar module for real cheap. It doesn't have to have anything better than what the America's had in the sixties.

Lack of need:

Most people said that there's no need to visit the moon. I tend to disagree. Building a small shelter would not take to much undertaking. On top of that the moon has an abundance of Helium-3 that is rare on earth.

No Money In It:

With World Hunger And Poverty Why Go There:

It's been 40 years. Obviously whatever efforts we've been doing in that department haven't been working.

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