Monday, August 24, 2009

Beer Smear

I tried this Bud Light Lime beer at a party recently. Now, I like lime, don't get me wrong. I like in cola, Io I like to through the slice of lime right into the corona.

I even squeeze it in there to get extra flavor. The Bud Light Lime I had tasted artificial and a little like dish soap. I was worried I would start foaming at the mouth. If you want lime in your beer, add it yourself.

Everyone I spoke to said they had a hard time finding it in stores. On a whim I looked and found a whole bunch at my local liqueur store.

Recently I had another beer related experience. I thought and still think the idea of a beer label changing color to let you know when your beer is cold is a stupid idea. As such I decided to post it on facebook, saying something like "Apparently I need a company to tell me when my beer is certified cold." Two days later I noticed an email notification about someone posting about my comment. It was some dude I haven't seen since high school that replied with something like "It's good idea f#$@$r".
Woah! A little bit of tension there! Why in the world would this guy get so upset? On top of that you have hands for a reason. Use them!

If you can't tell when your beer is cold enough maybe there something wrong with you.

If you were Diane Keaton wearing gloves all the f*%^@$$ time, then you might need a label that changes color in order to inform you that hey the beer is cold. Coors must have designed thier beer specifically for Diane Keaton.

Maybe this guy needs to wear gloves all day and night? Some sort of skin condition from scratching his dirty arse all night. The worst part of all is he retracted his comment. Looks like it wasn't such a good idea after all F#@$@%R.

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