Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oink oink, your sick

The swine flue, a ticking time bomb or money making scheme. That it the question that pokes at my brain every now and again. It's a crazy thought that generally people almost forgot completely about this flu. We know that it will surface again and only stronger this winter. Companies have produced large amounts of the supposed vaccine against it. Certain states have imposed new laws that make refusal to take the vaccine would make you liable to a fine of 1000$ a day.

One must ask why they would impose such a ridiculous fine. The only answer is that this is a setup to force people to take this rushed vaccine. I know I don't want to. Certain countries want to make it mandatory. See

I don't think anyone should be forced to take a flue vaccine. They should be forced to accept treatment / quarantine but not a vaccine. The first swine flue vaccine caused serious ailments, even death. Who's to say this rushed one won't do the same thing.

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