Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Heating Up The Ice Or How I Remember Dany Heatley

As some of you may know I've been an Ottawa Senator's fan for a while now, however I stand in disbelief at the current situation regarding Dany Heatley. Before the Draft news emerged that he wanted a trade because he wasn't getting along with the coach. He was signed the previous year for a six year deal. Now he want's a trade because the coach limited his ice time and moved him to the second line. What a joke. I watched him play almost all the games last season and he was not up to it. The only reason he didn't produce the goods was because he didn't produce the goods. He can't possibly blame this on the coach? Plus the limited ice time and downgrade to the second line was only for the last twenty games of the season.

So he asks for a trade. One surfaces then he rejects it. Then nothing. Not a single word from the Heater. You think he would speak to his fans if he really cared. It's a shame because a properly worded statement at that time would have rectified the void between Heatley and his fans.

Instead he waits until mid August to make a statement saying he will be at training camp if no deal is reached. Wow. Glad to have this guy back. What a piece of work this guy is.

Ottawa's fans know how to deal with these types. They have before with Alexei Yashin.

Thanks, but no thanks Dany boy.

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