Monday, January 25, 2010

Is It Me Or Is Your Hell Phone Ringing?

I'm done with people on cell phones. To hell with cells! I am tiered of my brain being affected by the wireless waves of satellite communication because some idiot on the bus wants to chat the whole ride about the deal he got on toilet paper at Wall-mart.

I'm against cell phones. I'm not saying they are not good in an emergency but to constantly yak like a cow on these things is not my cup of tea. I would refuse to be involved with anyone who does that.

We're even turning our children in to these little cretins that yab and yab about inconsequential dialogue day after day. We start them off as young as possible too wihtout even thinking about the consequences.

Also considering people always want the next best thing on these. After about two years they'll end up where they always do in the landfills.

These products contain toxic chemicals that will end up in the earth and water of our planet, inevitably ending up in the food we eat. I'm not an expert but one can easily see that Lithium batteries might not be the best thing to ingest. To release a product and not take responsibility for the product's disposal is inexcusable.
Nothing like eating a lithium battery sandwich to kill the cravings!

Let's say we start most kids early with a kiddie cellphone at the age of 8, then at the age of 10 they want to get a newer model to be able to text love notes across the classroom. Next at the age of 13 little Kelly want's to download videos of some boy band, there's another phone. Over the course of a single life we're talking over 40 cellphones. Considering the population of the earth that would be 240 billion cellphones with 240 billion lithium batteries.

I might be ranting up the wrong tree but these are my reasons for not owning a cell phone. People might disagree but I think the environmental reason to be the most important one.

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