Monday, January 25, 2010

The Quit And Stay

I remember Jay Leno announcing his exit from the late night scene. It seemed such as distant date however when the time came he was offered an earlier show (10:30 pm) that failed miserably. A couple of weeks ago he or NBC wanted to reverse thier decision and bring him back to a similar time slot and thus Conan gets shafted.

People can only stomach my humor at 11:30pm!

I really enjoyed Conan on NBC but hopefully we'll get to see him on Fox or ABC after 7 months with a new show.

Or if he's really stuck NBC could have put him on after Jimmy Fallon.

The blame should be put on the shoulders of NBC and Leno. Reasons why? Well NBC for trying to reverse their decision and Leno for hanging around after he said he was quitting.

Who hangs around after quitting their job?

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