Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Road Food

I think eating while driving should be illegal. If you can't commute without stuffing your fat pie hole with food you shouldn't be on the road, pure and simple. The fine should be 500-1000$ because your putting my life at risk over an egg McMuffin.

Lets your ridding in your Audi and say you drop a peice of bacon out of you Baconator and look down to see it stained your Ralph Lauren Polo, you look down then boom you crash your piece of crap car right into an old man trying to walk across the street. Had you not been eating a fatty frigging burger, satisfying your urges, that person would have been alive today.

Eating while driving causes 80% of all car accidents, study shows

I think they should outlaw a lot of other things that you shouldn't do while driving, like fiddle with satellite radio. That shit is distracting. Over a hundred different channels will only let these creatures wander aimlessly all over the dial and all over the road at the same time.

Try figuring out how this works in a hurry at a red light and see what happens!

I think driving should be just that, driving. Not speeding to work or home from work with a double big mac in one hand, it's cardboard box on your lap and a hot coffee in the other.

Impose a fine on all driver caught eating while at the wheel. It would boost the economy and save lives all at the same time, not to mention lowering the intake of fast food.

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