Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Activiate Your Life

I decided upon myself to take the Activia Challenge. I bought a double pack of this yogurt. I must say that it tastes wonderful. They talk of a twelve day challenge but I think I'll start with 8 days, mostly because that's how many yogurts my wife bought.

Day 1:

Yum this tastes fantastic. I love the vanilla flavor. Eaten at night for desert. No immediate effects.

Day 2:

A little intestinal bloating for some reason. Tried the peach flavor. This is also a good tasting flavor. Eaten in the morning before work.

Day 3:

All hell broke loose in my innards for some reason today. I am not sure if it's the Activia Yogurt. I think it's starting to affect me. Eaten in the morning before work

Day 4:

Decided to not eat it in the morning before work. Eaten at night. Spent the night on the can. My colon is officially clean! I cried a little.

Day 5:

After a hellish night I am back on track and feeling better. Eaten in the morning for breakfast.

Day 6:

Feeling better. I guess it was just the shock that my system felt. I have to say I feel a lot better.

Day 7:

Still doing OK.

Day 8:

Last day. I feel good. My guts don't feel like their falling apart and I have survived the 8 day challenge. I didn't dance like the commercial however. Partly because I have no more innards.

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