Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Double Whammy

Recently I got to experience a double whammy, and I got to experience it in the course of fifteenth minutes. We had a meeting at work to talk about what HR was doing and it turns out they dropped our salary range level. It's not so bad on it's own. Not too bad on it's own. Not good, but still manageable. What made this a horrible double whammy is that the meeting was then proceeded by the new bonus structure. Guess what! Due to our level dropping, the bonus structure does not apply to our team. How wonderful is that!

"We're dropping your level to a level 3 because we re-evaluated your job description. Oh, and level 4 and up get bonuses now. Now lets talk about company values for two hours!"

I'm clearly upset about this.  The fact that we are now the lowest level available in IT makes my blood boil. Messing with salary range levels is one thing, so is changing bonus structure. However doing both at the same time makes us feel less valued at a company that promotes it's own glorious values. It's sickening.

When you think about it's a very crappy thing to do. To work hard all year and get that feces handed to you in endless meetings drives me crazy.

2 Weeks Earlier: 
"So everyone agree on making these people's lives miserable?"

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