Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oops, we take that back.

 I found this story through and thought it was strange. Why would the french transit site accidentally put up a post on their site that a train had exploded and killed 120 people and left 380 injured. Where did they come up with this. Could it be a training exercise gone wrong? A possible post for a future planned event.

"PARIS — France's railway operator says an "internal error" caused it to post a false statement on its Web site saying a train explosion had killed 102 people.

The announcement on SNCF's home page described an "explosion of unknown origin" on train number 1234 near the town of Macon on a Paris-Dijon line. It cited early estimates "of 102 killed and 380 injured."

Journalists flooded the SNCF with phone calls after the statement Tuesday. The statement was later taken off the site.

An SNCF spokeswoman said the announcement was false and part of an exercise. She said it stemmed from an "internal error" – not a hacker attack. She spoke only on condition of anonymity because of company policy."

Three possibilities exist for this:

1) Hacker's joke.
2) Company was testing its emergency response team and someone mistakenly sent the update.
3) False flag operation that was foiled.

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