Thursday, April 1, 2010

Iron Gauntlet Draped In A Velvet Glove:

This best describes someone who butters you. That person sells you on his or her ideas then does the exact opposite. They make promises and never follow through. They present a hyper reality that makes you want to follow them without any questions. Deep down however they are still an Iron Gauntlet and it will definitely hurt when they punch you in the face. Don't be fooled by the velvety exterior. It's gonna hurt.
With Barack Obama

That best describes Barack Obama.

"Yes We Can" was cheered from coast to coast. He promised to end the Iraq campaign and do away with the Patriot Act. Instead he did the exact opposite and cooled everyone down with his fantastical words and powers of speech. He's encased in a velvety smooth facade.

He's not up front, like Bush was. With Bush you knew his agenda. With Barack your never sure what his underline reasoning's are.

With George Bush

So as you can see the difference is striking.

Now lets take a look at Bill Clinton's scenario... piece

With Bill Clinton

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