Friday, April 23, 2010

Memories Of My Wedding And Honeymoon

My wife and I got married in 2006. A small wedding, about forty or so people at Upper Canada Village.  It's time period town. Everyone there works and live in the 1800s before the advent of electricity. It was a wonderful wedding. Everyone was treated to a horse and carriage ride. We had a great meal after at the restaurant that they have there. No, it wasn't period food and we didn't have to eat on wooden plates or anything like that. The funniest part of that evening was after dinner we completely forgot that there were no lights in this town and had to return to the parking lot some eight hundred meters away in total and utter darkness. On top of that it was like threading through a mine field because the horses had left lots of lovely surprises on the dirt roads. Needless to say we all had a good laugh and dirty dress shoes.

For my honeymoon we went to lake placid and did the bed and breakfast thing. My wife got to pick one for 3 nights and I picked another for one night on the way back. The one my wife picked was a five star place that was absolutely perfect. I picked one that was way, way, way off the main roads. This place was so remote that when asked about taking a morning hike, the proprietor said "oh you don't want to be doing that here, too many bears around this time of year".
For the love of God let's get out of here!

The other thing about the one I picked was that unlike the lush sleight king size bed that was in the room my wife picked we had to sleep on a double bed that seemed to be made of twigs tied together with leather roping. Every time we moved an inch in the bed it would make a horrid creaking noise. The walls of the room were very thin. All and all, not the right type of environment for honeymooners wanting to get the party started if you know what I mean.

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