Thursday, April 22, 2010

Put Your Footprint Up Your Bum

I'm tiered of worrying about my frigging environmental footprint. Since when is this the most important thing in the world. It really sounds stupid and started popping up everywhere.
We have whole two hour seminars at work about sustainability. We have a green team that preaches it's monthly sustainability pledge. I'm sick of it. Do I have to enter every appliance into some sort of carbon footprint calculator just to tell me that, hey I pollute. Making me feel some sort of guilt. Hey I recycle and I even attempted the green bins but I draw the line at entering my daily activities into some sort of online calculator just to tell me to waste less power. You know what waist a lot of power, a Wallmart and any other shopping mall. You know what consists of 90% of our landfills, industrial and commercial waste. Roof shingles alone must take up 50% of the landfill space.

So you can see that the focus of change should not be the individual. It should be industry and commercial waste that we should be focusing on. We need to change our consumer mind. That should be what we should try to force on to the individual. Not some statistics about the amount of CO2 it takes to drive to Tim Horton's and back. It's the plastic crap that's got to disappear. The pop bottles, the mayonnaise containers, the plastic bags, the zip-lock bags and the garbage bags all have to disappear. They should all be banned. There is nothing wrong with getting your mayonnaise in a glass jar. That can be processes and is a lot more natural than some invented material that might or might not be causing cancer. the  We eliminate that and we'll be ahead by miles more than how much gas your Prius uses per kilometer.

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