Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Roman Empire Sandals

I'll start off by saying that I don't have some sort of foot fetish but I've been noticing a lot of strange footwear recently on people on the bus or on the streets. Has anyone ever seen these sandals.

They are barely anything at all only a flap of thin leather on the bottom and a couple of straps, with maybe a buckle if your lucky.  Sometimes with a little string or frail leather rings, these things look awful. I can't imagine wearing these out in public. Stepping on a city street with only a thin leather layer between your feet and the broken glass and hypodermic needle riddle inner city streets.

It's fine if you like your girlfriend or wife to wear the same footwear as a centurion of the roman empire. Yeah there's no problem there is there.

I think they look ridiculous.

What's next well look at these...

It looks like someone is trying to imprison your legs in some sort of medieval contraption. Like in the 1973 movie The Wicker Man.

The Isle of Summerisle never liked Jane's sandals, for that they must pay!

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