Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Copy-write The Pyramids, Copy-write My But

Well the news managed to get me angry this morning. The Egyptian government wants to copywrite all things Egyptian. Let's examine this a little further... The pyramids have been here for many years, long surpassing the Egyptian government. This is just another scheme. This is like the city of United States government copy-writing all pictures and likeness of the statue of liberty. It's there for people to see. That's the purpose of a monument, is it not?


"Even if it is for private use, they must have permission from the Egyptian government..."
Excuse me! What ever the hell I do for private use, is my own darn business, Egypt. How about I paint murals of the pyramids in my living room. Your going to arrest me? I hate the direction in which this type of issue is leading.

According to various sources...

If approved this is a ridiculous blow to liberty in general. If I want to draw a picture of the pyramids. I'll draw a god-damn picture of the pyramids. Good luck to the Egyptian government cashing in anything from me.

Go a head! Make my day! Egypt!

It's frustrating to think that this is even possible. That the picture I just drew in paint in five minutes above would be a copy-write violation. That I would ow royalties. A hundred years ago, courts would have thrown this out on the grounds of being ridiculous and severely punished those that brought up this type of foolish request.

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