Tuesday, May 11, 2010

HR Meetings I Hate

I hate HR meetings. I found that out today after we had a Start, Stop, Continue meeting. Basically we get to brainstorm things that we can Start. Things which need to Stop and can you guess the last one. Things we need to Continue.

I think my terms for this should be changed to We Should Have Done This Before But We Were Idiots, Godawful and Spanking. In that respective order.

I also think it's stupid that HR had this meeting with all of our managers present. That's like inviting the bear on the hunting trip.

Like I or anyone else there would say I think my manager is missing the mark. Especially when they have a note pad to take notes right next to me. This meeting should have been in three phases; employees, team leads and then managers. It's crazy to expect honest answers when you manager is siting in a chair right next to you taking darn notes.

All this was brought up after the results of anonymous survey showed that manager quality dropped in 6 areas by about 40%. There are obviously issues that need to be addressed. However doing the meetings this way seems counter productive. Your only going to get the answers you want to hear.

Do we really need to spend over an hour on this. Send another survey asking for honest answers this time. HR, your not using your brain on this one.

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