Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mysterious Meat

Here's another thing that's been pissing me off. Why in the world does McCain's Frozen Pizza contain little cubes of some sort of meat in their sauce? Last I checked that's not an ingredient you can choose to cover your pie.

These chunks of meat appear on all their pizzas, including the 4 cheese one. It shouldn't.

To top it all off they have a new commercial where they say what food additives and preservatives that they don't put in their pizza. Praising quality compared to other brands. I guess they take everyone to be idiots because guess what, I don't like mysterious pieces of meat on my pizza. If I can't identify it, it's not going to be consumed.

I'd like to get a photo of this but I don't buy that crap anymore so you'll have to take my word for it I guess.

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