Monday, August 2, 2010

This is our future

For years, John, Bob and Jimmy have met at the local coffee shop in the morning to discuss the morning newspaper and visit each other. They took turns buying the newspaper and coffee for each other and on this day it was Jimmy's turn. He arrived a little before 7 AM followed by Bob, and as usual, John was the last one there. But this day turned out to be different than any other. A gentleman entered the shop, sat down at the counter and ordered a cup of coffee. He looked around briefly and then walked toward Jimmy's table as he reached into his pocket. He identified himself as William Breckersby, newly appointed CPE (Copyright Protection Enforcement) officer. He explained to them that they were no longer allowed to discuss the newspaper together since only one of them had purchased the paper. If they would like to continue their daily discussions they would all need to purchase the newspaper which would entitle them the rights to discuss copyrighted material among themselves, and only themselves.

I think there is nothing wrong with making a copy of a CD and giving it to a friend or group of friends. Making a copy of a CD and selling is a different story. New laws already in the works want to take this right away. As such I believe enforcing copyright laws are in violation of the fair use act and strips any and all rights the end user has for using the content they rightfully purchased.
The argument used over and over again... "You wouldn't steal a car..." forgets that I'm not stealing anything as I own my own copy to with as I please.

The average recoding artist makes only 1$ from the sale of a 10$ CD. The bulk of an artist profit comes from live show, merchandising and other such devices.  The remainder goes to big business corporations so they can hire teams of lawyers in slick suits to go after your parents for copying a Garth Brooks CD. Think of that the next time you peruse the isles of HMV.

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