Monday, March 21, 2011

Nostradamus - Nostradam-not

Every year when something bad happens in the world we get countless information through Discovery Channel TV shows, conspiracy posts and such, regarding Nostradamus and his prediction of the apocalypse. So far, his passages about the doom and gloom that is supposed to happen and the coming of the Antichrist have been said to b have been about Saddam Husein, Osama Bin Laden and now Liberia. Come on, I've heard this speech several times. Let's face it,  vague predictions can mean anything. I can say something like ...a kingdom to the far east will face disaster as the earth shakes and shall be swept away by a large flood. This can mean an earthquake in Japan or anywhere else in the far east. It's matter of perspective and the time you live in.

You can study Nostradamus until your blue in the face and some of his predictions might be relevant but saying he predicted Sep 11th, the gulf war, conflict in Liberia. The said that Saddam Husein would be the third Antichrist. Well too bad we killed him. It kind of make this guy look like a fool.

Except he changes his tune saying now that it's someone unknown probably being groomed to take over the world. While he runs away to the bank with all the cash from interviews.

Take everything they say with a grain of salt. That's my prophecy.

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