Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Doom And Gloom

While digging through my old blog post I found one from 2005 about a news paper clipping I found in 2003 from The Ottawa Citizen.

Here's the pic:

Asteroid on _______ course with Earth. Millions could _______.


"________, our initial calculations were ______"
Dr. Mats Fjordsen of the University of Stockholm _____ yesterday. The data
is truly __________and shows that a _______asteroid _______thought to be
safely passing through our solar system is on a ________course with Earth.

Researchers ______this _____information to the European Intelligence
Community last week upon finding a math ________in preliminary computations.

"This object is much more ________ than the usual __________", according to
Dr. Fjordsen. Extensive examinations confirm the asteroid's size at _______ that
of Wembley Stadium.

At that mass, and speed, even a close call would
have______________ on Earth.

"It could push the Earth and its axis enough to alter the North and South Poles,", a very worried Fjordsen said. "___________ of all the land would ___________ to the ___________ of the ocean. There would be ______ chance of _____ for ________ on the
surface of _____, even good swimmers would ____ last too long."

And that's the best-case scenario.

Scientists have calculated the asteroid's ______ to ______ with the Earth's orbit on ___________ (Eastern Standard Time).

"The asteroid will destroy the entire planet so nothing is left." Fjordsen _______ stated.
Talk about playing word search with your own mortality. Why in the world would they have printing problems with this one article in the The Ottawa Citizen. I've lost the actual paper but the photo remains as proof.

I would like to see what all of you come up with. Also if anyone remembers this in the the Ottawa Citizen or has some information on the story please post it.

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