Tuesday, August 4, 2009

There's An App For This

These commercials have to stop. It's almost blasphemous. You know the commercial...

"want to know the weather outside...
There's an app for that!"

It's called opening a fucking window and seeing what the weather's like for yourself. Because weather men these days are absolutely useless.

"want to cure that persistent ass smell...
There's an app for that!"

I hate these gadgets, these gizmos. A phone should be a phone, nothing else. No HD camera, game consoles or email clients, just ten numbers to dial with and a send button. Maybe if your really lucky we'll throw in a pound sign and a star.

I see these creatures in the elevator every morning. Texting on their IPhones and Blackberries. They don't even notice what floor their at. It's an all consuming zombiefying activity. They clip it on their little fucking belts and walk to their little fucking meetings.

I can't wait until half the world's population has fucking groin cancer and dies due to these devices. Oh yeah, I'll be laughing my ass off.

Think about it, we all know that excessive use of cell phones cause brain tumors what's gonna happen when all these people strap'em to their hips.

I refuse to own one of these things. Told my boss I didn't want one, no way, no how. I'll go as far as saying it's against my religion. No one should be reachable 24 hours a day. If your a slave to this device, serves you damn right to get a little crotch cancer.

Witch brings me to another thing. Since when is it expected to answer email during you commute to work. I'm sorry, I know I get hundreds of emails a day but that's considered work. As such I do it at work. I'm not going to respond to Trisha's email about the office pot luck while heading onto the damn highway. That's called suicidal.

It's not necessarily that I believe the cancer / cell phone connection I just don't believe anyone should be that stressed to have to respond instantly to a work related inquiry.

Don't even get me started that most apps require you to pay in order to use them. That's outrageous. You can easily get the weather by listening to the radio. Does anyone even listen to the radio. Hey it's free and open to everyone. That's the point of radio. Might as well enjoy the radio because eventually, in some far and distant future we might even have to pay for that.

Wait a damn minute a lot of people already do.

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