Saturday, February 27, 2010

Apple To The Core

What does the future of hand held and PC devices look like? Well this future is a  disturbing one, that's for sure. Apple recently has a new patent to advertise on their hardware systems. See the following link. Apple's idea was to program devices to periodically interrupt users with unskipable / unstoppable ads. I hope you like ads interrupting your workout while listening to your ipod. The ads would temporarily halt the device or PC in order to "compel attention." That on its own is pretty nightmarish but Apple found a way to take it up another notch.

In Apple's own words:

"Apple can further determine whether a user pays attention to the advertisement. The determination can include performing, while the advertisement is presented, an operation that urges the user to respond; and detecting whether the user responds to the performed operation. If the response is inappropriate or nonexistent, the system will go into lock down mode in some form or other until the user complies. In the case of an iPod, the sound could be disconnected rendering it useless until compliance is met. For the iPhone, no calls will be able to be made or received."

Whoa! So they suck you in to their products then smack on ads and based on your responses it can turn off your device for an hour or two until you, you sheep-thinking mongrel-minded you, comply and worship Steve Jobs.

Imagine dropping down the two thousand bucks it takes to by an iMac or whatever the hell they're called theses days, turning it on and working on your glorious Pro Apple blog, called "Spread the word of Steve Jobs to every non believer on earth" and then after about ten minutes the iMac or iDesk locks down for a Nike ad. Then some form of Viagra ad (Dependent of your web surfing habits). If it detects your not paying close attention it could lock down your device until you actually watch the entire ad. It might use the camera that's built in to the device to make sure your paying attention. Then they will try to make you pay for add free use of your own device.

I would recommend dumping this shit as soon as it arrives in epic proportions. A message must be sent to any company that tries to enforce advertising on that type of scale. I've never subscribed to a device like an Ipod that forces you to convert to it's own proprietary format, using it's own proprietary application. It then forces it's customer to buy music and media from it's own god damn store. If that's not some form of monopoly, I don't know what is. This is the exact opposite of the future should be like. Just my two cents.

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